Saturday, April 11, 2009

Learning from Classmates' Pesentations and Teaching about Internet Safety

Here are the two best ideas that I saw while watching the presentations of classmates.

  • Reader's Theatre Photostory: To help teach students about reading with emotion and prosody, have students make a photostory of a reader's theater. During the process of making the story, play back voice recordings so that students can see if their reading sounds boring or if it sounds exciting.

  • Photostory Read Aloud: To make the illustrations of a book more accesible to students a photostory can be created of the book and then projected on to a screen.

Internet Safety Teaching:

I talked with my mom who is 47. I shared with her some ideas about what she can do to help her family use the internet safely. I shared with her the importance of talking to family members about internet safety measures and setting family standards for internet use. I emailed my mom the URLs for three of the articles that we read. She was grateful for the resources and the information I shared with her. She was already aware of some of the guidelines the church has given about internet safety and uses them. Talking to her was pretty easy and I hope that she will implement some of the things that we talked about.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Internet Saftey

1. What article did you choose to read for your fourth article?
I read Focus and Priorities by Dallin H. Oaks
2. What were the most important things you learned from the readings?
We need to understand the technology students are using and then set appropriate bounds for that. It must be communicated that we as teachers care about our students and want them to use these technologies in the best way. This also means that we want to help students avoid the harmful parts of these technologies.
3. How will what you have read influence your actions as a parent and/or teacher of children and youth?
I will make sure to talk about and create rules with my future students or children about technology use. Open communication is very important when setting these rules. I will make sure that these children understand why the rules are in place and the value the place in our life. I will also do my best to be aware of what technologies students and children are using.
4. How can you use what you have learned from the reading to have a positive influence on family and friends?
I am going to talk to my parents and share the ideas of setting specific rules and time limits for technology use. I am going to do a better job with my use of technology so that I can be a good example to family and friends.

Viewing Other Technology Projects

As I looked at the slide shares of other student's technology lesson plans, I realized the span of content that can be taught with technology. I was impressed to see the ways that technology was integrated into language arts. I had a hard time thinking of ways to use technology with language arts but was glad to see all of the ways that fellow students did. I can how beneficial it would be to project a poem or story so that all students can see and participate in a shared reading activity. Technology can be integrated on various levels. Some slideshares I saw displayed technology that teachers used, and others displayed technology that students used themselves.

ElEd Technology Integration Project

Monday, March 30, 2009

Technology-enhanced lesson

For my technology lesson I used the Kidsperations program to assess the students knowledge of habitats and what animals live in those habitats prior to starting a unit on habitats. THe students had not ever used this program before so I also had to teach them how to use the program. The part of Kidsperations that I used, had four habitats and spaces beneath each to place pictures. Students really enjoyed this activity and wished that we could spend more time with the activity.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Technology Teaching Idea

Kidsperation has a great part where students make symmetrical patterns. This would be a great independent practice or follow up activity after a lesson on symmetry and symmetrical patterns. I could do this by scheduling my school's small computer lab which has the kidsperations program. I would model how to complete this before I asked the students to do this. This activity would happen after a lesson on symmetry had already been taught.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Technology Inventory Thoughts

While I was doing the technology inventory, I realized that the school I will be teaching at in the future will not necessarily have all of the great technology tools that I have access to at BYU right now. This means that I need to figure out which technologies will be the most beneficial to my students and work on getting them for my students. It also means that I will need to be very innovative in my use of some of the technologies that may not be as fun or flashy but will still help teach the content effectively.

I also realized that doing my technology integrated lesson, is going to take some real planning and work. It may require me to become familiar with software that is on the computers of my school that I have never used before. Now that I am in the school, I see the importance of using technology that is helpful and practical. Otherwise it takes away from the short amount of time that the students have to learn the required material and ideas for their grade.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Chopin Virutal Tour Link

Here is the link to my Chopin Virtual Tour.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Virtural Tour TPACK Questions

What is the content you’ll be using in your lesson?
Music Fifth Grade
Standard 4
Listening The student will listen to, analyze, and describe music.
Objective 2
Perceive and respond to the messages in music and the use of music elements.

The rest of the tour focuses on Chopin's life and how his exeriences influenced the pieces he wrote.

What is the pedagogy you’ll be using and why is it a good fit with the content?

Students are able to listen music, view pictures, and research chopin's life all from one program. Activities that students complete at each location also increase enjoyment, as well as understanding of the topic.

What is the technology you’ll be using and why is it a good fit with the content and pedagogy?
The audio and visual aspects of the tour help to engage the students and make learning about Chopin's life a fun activity. Seeing the locations that Chopin lived on a map allow students to further connect their understanding and see the relations and distance between these places. Google Earth allows me to bring all of this information about Chopin into a single place. Furthermore, it does so in a way that helps students see relationships and make connections other programs would not.
Location ActivityGoogle Earth Content
1. Zelazowa Wola, Poland View picture of Chopin's birthplace Image overlay of Chopin's place of birth/ Wikipedia article link.
2. Warsaw, PolandGo to Wikipedia article and list on worksheet some of the pieces that Chopin composed as a child in Warsaw.When Chopin was 7 months old his family moved to Warsaw where Chopin wrote his first compositions and attended the Warsaw conservatory.
3. ViennaListen to Revolutionary Etude and write a possible interpretation of what the piece means.While in Vienna Chopin realized the beauty of Poland and wrote this piece in response to a Polish revolution against Russia that was crushed.
4.Paris, FranceUsing the ruler write down the distance from Warsaw to Paris.Chopin moved to Paris in 1830, where he achieve fame and taught many affluent piano students. Chopin died in Paris on October 17, 1849.
Details of image overlay / path / polygon:Both image overlays and polygons will be used in my virtual tour.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Story Board

TPACK Questions for Storytelling Project

What is the content you’ll be using in your lesson?

The goal is to developing language through viewing media and presenting. Students will share writing with others using illustrations to add meaning (K-6 Language Arts Core Curriculum Standard 1 Objective 2 and Standard 8 Objective 6).

What is the pedagogy you’ll be using and why is it a good fit with the content?

We will be doing poetry interpretations. Not only are the students required to create a script, but they will also have the opportunity to visually represent a specific poem. This will give them further insight into the meaning and will help develop their language. They will create storyboards to help them successfully plan their projects out step by step.

What is the technology you’ll be using and why is it a good fit with the content and pedagogy?

Students will be using a digital camera and PhotoStory software to create a film of their interpreted poem. They will combine pictures, music, and vocal reading to make this film. This is an amazingly fun project. Using these technologies makes the whole project unique. Their final product will be professional and impressive. The students will have the chance to see just how much they are capable of. This project could not have been done without the help of technology.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

TPACK Questions

The content wewere focusing on in our lesson is how the earth's surface can be shaped by erosion and other factors. We were specifically focusing on volcanoes, mountain ranges, and canyons. The pedagoy we used was allowing students to explore canyons, volcanoes, and mountains. This allows students to discover the characteristics of each of these land features rather than just learning these characteristics from lecturing. The technology we used was Google Earth. It was a great fit for the content and pedagogy because it allowed students to understand the content in an engaging way. The information gained from Google Earth is true to the content.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Tech Savy Teachers: Changes in the Earth's Surface

Written by Jennifer Ray and RaeLene Hamblin

As Tech Savvy teachers, we want to give our students the opportunity to use content-specific technology tools. We know that these technologies allow our students to explore science in ways that are engaging and enjoyable.

We used technology to teach about the reshaping of the Earth's surface, which is standard 2 in Utah's core curriculum for the 5th grade. Specifically, we wanted students to explore volcanoes, canyons, and mountain ranges after we had discussed the forces that create these landforms. Students were also given the task of describing the terrain of a new location, such as Nevada in our example. Google Earth is the technology tool students used to accomplish these tasks. The image to the right is an example of how students are able to see the topography of various landforms, in this case a volcano.

Google Earth enables students to view geographic locations throughout the world. We began by looking at the Mauna Loa volcano in Hawaii. Google Earth allows the students view the terrain of the actual volcano by using the 3D feature and by zooming in to the volcano. Students can move the focus around the terrain so they can explore the volcano in depth. As seen in the picture below, Google Earth also offers informational articles when this specific box is clicked. In this example, a Wikipedia article shows information about Mauna Loa.

Next, students explored the geological features of the Grand Canyon. Students were able to see real photographs of the Grand Canyon alongside the topographical view. As the students explored the Google Earth images, we discussed the forces that created these landforms. Finally, students were instructed to explore a nonresidential area of Nevada and describe the terrain they see. Students also explained what forces shaped that terrain. An example of a student's view of Nevada is provided below.
This technology of Google Earth allowed students to observe and analyze data in the form images. Because the images were three-dimensional, students were able to gain a deeper understanding of the content than they would have through a lecture with pictures. The following image of the Grand Canyon exemplifies the kind of images that students are able to manipulate to explore geological landforms. Investigating these landforms engages students in meaningful learning. This is one example of how tech savvy teachers use technology to enhance learning.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Science/Math Techonologies: Stellarium

Stellarium is one of the technologies that I explored last class period. I really enjoy the fact that this program allows you to not only view the sky at the current time, but past and future times. This program also allows you to view the various star constellations. This program is a lot of fun and is one that I hope to spend more time figuring out.


TPACK is technological pedagogical and content knowledge. This means using technology that is specific to a certain content of subject and is oriented by content pedagogy. TPACK is very important for teachers to have because it allows teachers to teach the content more fully and with better methods. TPACK makes learning more engaging and applicable for students. Learning about plants is much more engaging when using programs like Celestia.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Web 2.0 and RSS Feed

I am quite excited to use RSS feed. It is very convenient to be notified about new posts and be able to read those posts in the RSS reader. This will save me much time. Often when browsing my usual sites, I get distracted by other material on the site. Sometimes I even forget what I came to the site to find. Subscribing to the RSS feed of those sites will diminish my distractions and still allow me to receive the information I am seeking because all of the updates from the various sites I am keeping up with will be posted in one place.

RSS feed will help me with teaching because I can subscribe to websites that have information I can use in my teaching. These websites include Utah Education Network, School District Websites, Edutopia, and many other beneficial websites. Another thing I could do would be to subscribe to the RSS feed of students' good reads book lists. This would allow me to keep up with what my students are reading and what their thoughts are about those books.

Web 2.0 has so many excited things. I am looking forward to using good reads and delicious. I do not feel that I am as familiar with these sites as I would like to be, but feel that with some quality time spent exploring the features of each of these sites I will be able to benefit from all that they have to offer.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My Technology Background

My technology background is relatively simple. I am frequent user of Facebook, Hotmail, and Gmail. I have not done much in the way of blogging but I am excited to learn. I can handle most of Microsoft Office, but am less familiar with some of the programs. I can usually figure out a new program with a little bit of trial and error. I am looking forward to learning about technologies that I am now unfamiliar with. I think this will be a very enjoyable class.