Saturday, April 11, 2009

Learning from Classmates' Pesentations and Teaching about Internet Safety

Here are the two best ideas that I saw while watching the presentations of classmates.

  • Reader's Theatre Photostory: To help teach students about reading with emotion and prosody, have students make a photostory of a reader's theater. During the process of making the story, play back voice recordings so that students can see if their reading sounds boring or if it sounds exciting.

  • Photostory Read Aloud: To make the illustrations of a book more accesible to students a photostory can be created of the book and then projected on to a screen.

Internet Safety Teaching:

I talked with my mom who is 47. I shared with her some ideas about what she can do to help her family use the internet safely. I shared with her the importance of talking to family members about internet safety measures and setting family standards for internet use. I emailed my mom the URLs for three of the articles that we read. She was grateful for the resources and the information I shared with her. She was already aware of some of the guidelines the church has given about internet safety and uses them. Talking to her was pretty easy and I hope that she will implement some of the things that we talked about.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Internet Saftey

1. What article did you choose to read for your fourth article?
I read Focus and Priorities by Dallin H. Oaks
2. What were the most important things you learned from the readings?
We need to understand the technology students are using and then set appropriate bounds for that. It must be communicated that we as teachers care about our students and want them to use these technologies in the best way. This also means that we want to help students avoid the harmful parts of these technologies.
3. How will what you have read influence your actions as a parent and/or teacher of children and youth?
I will make sure to talk about and create rules with my future students or children about technology use. Open communication is very important when setting these rules. I will make sure that these children understand why the rules are in place and the value the place in our life. I will also do my best to be aware of what technologies students and children are using.
4. How can you use what you have learned from the reading to have a positive influence on family and friends?
I am going to talk to my parents and share the ideas of setting specific rules and time limits for technology use. I am going to do a better job with my use of technology so that I can be a good example to family and friends.

Viewing Other Technology Projects

As I looked at the slide shares of other student's technology lesson plans, I realized the span of content that can be taught with technology. I was impressed to see the ways that technology was integrated into language arts. I had a hard time thinking of ways to use technology with language arts but was glad to see all of the ways that fellow students did. I can how beneficial it would be to project a poem or story so that all students can see and participate in a shared reading activity. Technology can be integrated on various levels. Some slideshares I saw displayed technology that teachers used, and others displayed technology that students used themselves.

ElEd Technology Integration Project